With so much conflicting information online, it can be confusing and simply overwhelming to know where to start when it comes to weight loss.
I am sure you have seen #caloriedeficit plastered over social media. But what does this mean?
Do you ask yourself, "what is a calorie?" or "how do I achieve a calorie deficit?"
In this blog post, we'll look at the details of weight loss including the significance of energy balance. We'll discuss tools to achieving a calorie deficit, like fasting and calorie counting, and finish with motivational insights to boost your 2024 goals.
Step 1 - Understanding the Calorie Deficit:
At its core, weight loss is fundamentally tied to the concept of a calorie (energy) deficit. This occurs when the calories (energy) used/burned through day-to-day life e.g. resting metabolic rate, exercise, etc... exceed the calories (energy) consumed through food and beverages.
Basically, you expend more energy than what you eat. The body, in response to this energy shortfall, taps into stored fat reserves, resulting in gradual and consistent weight loss.
Typically, a common guideline is creating a daily deficit of 500 calories, which can result in losing about 500g-1kg per week. This approach is generally considered safe and sustainable. It's important not to excessively restrict calories, as this can lead to nutrient deficiencies and other health issues.
Step 2 - Energy Balance Explained:
Energy balance is the equilibrium between the calories consumed and the calories expended. When this balance tips in favour of a deficit, weight loss occurs; conversely, a surplus leads to weight gain.
Achieving the right energy balance is a delicate dance, and understanding how to tip the scale in favour of a deficit is crucial for successful weight loss.
Step 3 - Two Tools for Achieving a Calorie Deficit:
There are a number of ways that can help to tip the energy balance to being in a deficit. A couple of the most popular tools are:
- Calorie Counting: weight loss often comes down to awareness. Knowing what you are eating is a great place to start. Apps, reading the back of labels, and online tools can educate you on what is in your food. This helps you to track your daily calorie intake. By understanding the nutritional content of your food, you can make informed choices and ensure that your caloric intake aligns with your weight loss goals.
- Intermittent Fasting: Intermittent fasting has gained popularity as a powerful tool for weight loss. This approach involves cycling between periods of eating and fasting. By restricting the window of time in which you consume calories, intermittent fasting not only helps control calorie intake but also stimulates metabolic processes, promoting fat utilization for energy.
Motivation for 2024 Goals:
As you step into 2024, let's keep your weight loss goals fuelled with motivation. Motivation comes from having clear goals as well as a compelling reason ‘why’ you want to achieve these goals. It’s the ‘why’ that will get you out of bed at 6am when it’s still dark.
Have you heard of SMART goals?
Smart goals, is a comprehensive and strategic approach to setting goals. SMART is an acronym for:
S- Specific
M – Measurable
A – Achievable
R – Relevant
T -Time-bound
Specific: When crafting smart goals, it's crucial to be specific, clearly defining what needs to be accomplished.
Measurable: Measurability ensures that progress can be tracked, providing tangible evidence of success.
Achievable: Achievability encourages setting realistic objectives that align with your capabilities and resources.
Relevant: Relevance emphasizes the importance of goals that matter personally or professionally.
Time Bound: Lastly, the time-bound aspect instils a sense of urgency, establishing deadlines that drives you to take consistent and focused actions.
Smart goals serve as a powerful tool for clarity, accountability, and increased likelihood of attaining your desired outcome.
I highly suggest checking out my blog "5 Weight Loss Tips for 2023" for easy-to-action weight loss tips... and who knows, maybe one of those can become your weight loss smart goal ;).
What smart goals have you set for 2024?